Do i need a voltage converter, or just a plug adapter?

Do i need a voltage converter, or just a plug adapter?.

2. Re: Do i need a voltage converter, or just a plug adapter?

Hi Allison.

Indonesia has 220v 50 hz electricity supply.

The US normally has 110v 60hz, so things can get BBQd if they are plugged in inappropriately.

So leave the hair dryer at home, if you really want one, then buy a cheap one from somewhere like Carrefour (supermarket) after arrival. You might find a towel does the job for you in Indonesia anyway as it is generally quite warm.

If you do buy one, keep it for trips to other Asian countries (but not Japan), Australia, New Zealand and the EU, leave it in the hotel room or give it away. A hairdryer from Indonesia won't work in the US.

With the iPod you will find that most of the Applemac products have chargers/power-adapters with a 110v 60hz/220 50 hz supply range.

Look at the tiny print on the casing of the chargers/power-adapter.

Applemac normally describe it thus; "Input 110-240 ~(?)A 50-60 Hz"

If you find that then all you need is an adapter from the US 2 flat pins to the Euro-style Schuko 2 round pins

Without detail on your handfone it is hard to provide information.

However, if you have a fairly standard 'charger' then you will likely be OK.

Most are 110v 60hz/220 50 hz compatible.

Check that on your handset's chargers/power-adapter.

If it is only rated at 110v 60 hz and it is either a compact USB2 plug, or a (flatter) USB3 plug (at the phone end) then a suitable one can be purchased cheaply at any handfone shop in Bali. You may find it works for you in the US as well (with a socket adaptor).

Other models with small and larger round plugs (at the phone end) are also available.

Common chargers/power-adapter are not expensive to purchase in Indonesia.

What is the model and brand of your handfone?

Edited: 10:02 am, April 09, 2013

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