Kamus Indonesia-Inggris:

Kamus Indonesia-Inggris:.

kamus yang paling menarik

This is one half of an Indonesian-English/English-Indonesian dictionary pair — and a very conveniently sized volume. (Who started the silly custom of putting both halves of large bilingual dictionaries into one unwieldy book?) It contains over 30000 headwords with extensive entries which include illustrative sentences and examples. The entries are clearly laid out, with bold and italics used to good effect in distinguishing headwords, derivatives, examples and translations. A small number of cross references are included specifically to help the student unfamiliar with Indonesian lexical conventions. I don't know enough about Indonesian to evaluate the technical merits of Kamus Indonesia-Inggris, but as a beginner I found it exceptionally easy to use; it is probably the best laid out of the many language dictionaries I possess.

March 1994

External links:
- buy from Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk
Related reviews:
- books about the Indonesian language

%T Kamus Indonesia-Inggris
%S An Indonesian-English Dictionary
%A Echols, John M.
%A Shadily, Hassan
%I Penerbit Gramedia
%D 1990
%O paperback, third edition, 30000+ words
%G ISBN 9794037532
%P xxi,618pp

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