Indonesia to slash Borobudur visitor numbers

Indonesia to slash Borobudur visitor numbers.

Tourists at Borobudur
Tourists at Borobudur

The Indonesian government is considering plans to severely limit the number of people it allows to visit the UNESCO-listed temple if Borobudur.

Under drastic new rules, only 15 people would be allowed to climb the 9th Century Javanese temple at any one time.

An official with the country's Ministry of Education & Culture said they were concerned about the impact that rising tourist numbers were having at Borobudur. At present, an unlimited number of visitors – sometimes into the hundreds – are permitted to scale the monument at the same time.

The suggested figure of 15 is reportedly based on research conducted by experts about the structural capacity of the monument. Concerns have also been raised about litter in the area and a shortage of security staff.

Located in Central Java, Borobudur is the world's largest Buddhist temple.

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