English-Indonesian dictionary

English-Indonesian dictionary.

Type in the word you would like to translate from English to Indonesian in the search field above. You can also look up a translation for a Indonesian word as both sides of the English-Indonesian dictionary are searched simultaneously. Here you will see different sections with the translations, synonyms, usage examples as well as forum entries.

Search the English-Indonesian dictionary by letter

You do not know the exact spelling of the word you are searching for? No problem! Choose a letter to see a complete list of English dictionary entries beginning with that letter. When you find the correct word, click it to see its translations in the English-Indonesian dictionary.

Verify English-Indonesian translation

Below are translations added to the English-Indonesian dictionary by users. You can help us make the dictionary even better by voting for the correct English-Indonesian translations. If you find a mistake or disagree with a translation, you can suggest a correction to either the Indonesian or the English word.

Suggest new English to Indonesian translation

Are you familiar with regional Indonesian expressions? Are we missing specific terms in our English-Indonesian dictionary and you know some and would like to share them? Please feel free to help us and suggest a translation to be added to the dictionary here.

Latest word suggestions by users: bahasa pakistan, pakistan, power of attorney, power line, power-driven (more)

Why participate?

By joining bab.la you can help us make the English-Indonesian dictionary even better and reach our goal of being the world's largest online dictionary. Users like you are the reason our dictionaries keep growing and stay up to date. By adding new words, expressions or regional and specialist English and Indonesian terms you make the dictionary more useful for everyone. An English-Indonesian translation can be very different depending on what context a word is used in. This is why we include several different Indonesian translations for the same English word in the dictionary. When users add words to the English-Indonesian dictionary other users need to verify those translations before they are permanently included in the dictionary. Until then the new translations are marked as unverified.
Don't miss out on any of the fun and register with us today to start collecting points for the world ranking. You are awarded points whenever you add new Indonesian translations or verify words in the English-Indonesian dictionary. Should you be unsure if a translation is correct or not, you can always ask other users for help. In the English-Indonesian forum bab.la users answer questions and discuss issues on English and Indonesian language, translation and grammar.

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English-Indonesian dictionary

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Random image credited to www.languageteacher.com

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