11 FHx COC

11 FHx COC.

11 FHx COC Private Server Indonesia adalah sebuah game COC yang berjalan di luar server Clash of Clans aslinya. Dengan memiliki sebuah private server sendiri, FHx bisa membuat berbagai macam hal unik yang tidak ada pada COC biasanya. Kentungan bermain dengan Clash Of Clans Mod FHx V8 terbaru ini yaitu kita bisa melatih setrategi menyerang yang paling baik untuk menyerang TH yang lebih besar atau TH max sekalipun, Hingga bila kita kelak sudah mencapai town hall max di game Clash Of Clans yang sesungguhnya yaitu game asli buatan dari (SuperCell) kita tidak ragu ragu lagi bila ingin menggunakan serangan yang sudah selama ini kita pelajari di FHx V8. Saat baru pertama kali menjalankan 11 FHx COC, setiap pemain akan diberikan resource: 800. 000. 000 Gold. 800. 000. 000 Elixir. 800. 000. 000 Dark Elixir. 800. 000. 000 GemsFitur FHx COCSelain resource melimpah saat baru pertama main, FHx Private Server COC juga menyediakan beberapa fitur unik yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk bermain CoC private server. Hero FHx Private Server COC Indonesia. P. E. K. K. A King. Goblin King. Giant King. Wall Breaker King. Wizards King. Super Wizards King. Golem King. Hog King. Lava King. Ballon King. Minion King. Dragon King. Valkyrie Queen. Witch Queen. Damager Queen. Super Archer QueenBuilding Tower FHx Private Server COC Indonesia. Dragon Tower. Witch Towers. Archer Tower (Spesial Edition. ). Barbarian Tower. Damager Healer TowerFitur Lain FHx Private Server COC Indonesia. Level 300. 500/Slot Army Camp. Unlock All Traps. Unlock All Decoration. Unlock Gem Package. Dan masih banyak lagi#DISCLAIMER#This App is not associated, affiliated, endorsed, sponsored or approved by SuperCell. All images are registered trademarks of SuperCell. Copyright 2010 ©SuperCell. We try to feature adequate knowledge and the basic idea to play for the beginners just to enjoy the game. For more information visit: www.supercell.com/fan-content-policy. 11 FHx COC Private Server Indonesia is a COC game that goes beyond the original Clash of Clans server. By having a private server itself, FHx can make a variety of unique things that do not exist on the COC normally. Clappers play with Clash Of Clans Mod FHx V8 This latest is that we can train setrategi attacking best to attack TH larger or TH max though, Until when we later had reached the town hall max in game Clash Of Clans that actually that of the original game artificial (supercell) we do not hesitate anymore when using an attack that has so far we have learned in FHx V8. When first run the new 11 FHx COC, each player will be given resource: 800, 000, 000 Gold. 800, 000, 000 Elixir. 800, 000, 000 Dark Elixir. 800, 000, 000 GemsFeatures FHx COCIn addition to the abundant resource when the first new play, FHx Private Server COC also provides several unique features that you can use to play CoC private server. Hero FHx Private Server COC Indonesia. P. E. K. K. A King. Goblin King. Giant King. Wall Breaker King. Wizards King. Super Wizards King. Golem King. Hog King. Lava King. Ballon King. Minion King. Dragon King. Valkyrie Queen. Witch Queen. damager Queen. Super Archer QueenBuilding Tower FHx Private Server COC Indonesia. Dragon Tower. Witch Towers. Archer Tower (Special Edition. ). Barbarian Tower. damager Healer TowerOther Features FHx Private Server COC Indonesia. Level 300. 500 / Slot Army Camp. Unlock All Traps. Unlock All Decoration. Unlock Gem Package. And many more# DISCLAIMER #This App is not associated, affiliated, endorsed, sponsored or approved by supercell. All images are the registered trademarks of supercell. Copyright 2010 © supercell. We try to feature adequate knowledge and the basic idea to play for the beginners just to enjoy the game. For more information visit: www.supercell.com/fan-content-policy.

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Version 1.2.1
Operating System Android

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