Parades, pillow fights and pole climbing - the best photos from Indonesia's Independence Day

Parades, pillow fights and pole climbing - the best photos from Indonesia's Independence Day.

Indonesia become independent from the Netherlands in 1945.

Indonesia celebrated its 71st anniversary of independence from Dutch rule on 17 August, with ceremonies, games and fun activities organised around the country to celebrate the national public holiday.

Indonesia Independence DayParticipants struggle to reach prizes on the top of greasy slippery poles in JakartaBay Ismoyo/ AFPIndonesia Independence DayJuni Kriswanto/ AFPIndonesia Independence DayIndonesian students in traditional dress dance during the Indonesian Independence day ceremony in JakartaAdek Berry/ AFP

A ceremony took place in Jakarta, where dancers, musicians, horses and president honour guards all took part, while Indonesian student Nilam Sukmapawening was handed the national flag as part of the parade. Outside the ceremony, people participated in 'Panjat Pinang' – which involves climbing a tall, greased pole which have vouchers stuck around a ring at the top. Once collected, the vouchers are exchanged for prizes.

On 16 August, Indonesian President Joko Widodo said in his annual national address, which marks Indonesia's 71st independence celebrations, that the country was actively involved in helping to resolve territorial disputes in the South China Sea, and that it would continue to tackle militant activity. "Indonesia continues to be actively involved in conflict resolution in the South China Sea through peaceful negotiations after the international court ruling in the Hague," Widodo told ministers and members of parliament, referring to last month's ruling in the Hague that China had no historic title over the busy waterway and had breached the Philippines' sovereign rights there.

Indonesia Independence DayIndonesian students play traditional music on drums called 'Dol' from Bengkulu province as they participate in the Indonesian Independence day ceremony in JakartaAdek Berry/ AFPIndonesia Independence DayAn Indonesian dancer participates in a ceremony for Indonesian Independence Day in JakartaAdek Berry/ AFPIndonesia Independence DayStudents participate in a ceremony for Indonesian Independence Day in JakartaAdek Berry/ AFPIndonesia Independence DayIndonesian President Joko Widodo gives a national flag to Indonesian student Nilam Sukmapawening during the Indonesian Independence day ceremony in JakartaAdek Berry/ AFPIndonesia Independence DayIndonesian president honour guards and students participate in the national flag raising during the Indonesian Independence day ceremony in JakartaAdek Berry/ AFPIndonesia Independence DayIndonesian president honour guards and students participate in the national flag raising during the Indonesian Independence day ceremony in JakartaAdek Berry/ AFPIndonesia Independence DayIndonesian dancers carry traditional drums called 'Dol' from Bengkulu province as they participate in the Indonesian Independence day ceremony in JakartaAdek Berry/ AFP

Aside from the parades and dancing, the country marked it's Independence Day by sinking 60 foreign ships, which were seized for fishing illegally in the country's waters. Maritime and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti said the ships were sunk at eight locations across the Indonesian archipelago. Widodo has taken a hardline stance against illegal fishing, partly driven by the need for Indonesia to show its neighbours, including China, that it is in control of its vast territory of 17,000 islands.

India Independence DayPeople climb greased poles to collect prizes during a "Panjat Pinang" event organised in celebration of Indonesia's 71st Independence day in JakartaIqro Rinaldi/ ReutersIndia Independence DayParticipants climb greased poles to collect prizes during a "Panjat Pinang" event organised in celebration of Indonesia's 71st Independence day in Jakarta,Iqro Rinaldi/ ReutersIndonesia Independence DayPeople climb greased poles to collect vouchers for prizes during a Panjat Pinang eventDarren Whiteside/ ReutersIndonesia Independence DayA participant grabs his team prizes as they reached the top of greasy slippery poles in JakartaBay Ismoyo/ AFPIndonesia Independence DayBalinese girls perform a traditional dance to celebrate Indonesia Independence day at Kuta on Indonesia's resort island of BaliSonny Tumbelaka/ AFPIndonesia Independence DayChildren participate in a pillow battle game during celebrations on Indonesia's 71st Independence Day in Banda AcehChaideer Mahyduddin/ AFPIndonesia Independence DayA dog wears Indonesian national flags on his head at Kuta on Indonesia's resort island of Bali Sonny Tumnbelaka/ AFP Indonesia Independence DayIndonesia's F16 fighter and Sukhoi jets perform a fly-by during the Indonesian Independence day ceremony in JakartaAdek Berry/ AFPIndonesia Independence DayIndonesian President Joko Widodo saluts during the Indonesian Independence day ceremony in JakartaAdek Berry/ AFPIndonesia Independence DayIndonesian president honour guards and students participate in the national flag raising during the Indonesian Independence day ceremony in JakartaAdek Berry/ AFP

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