Civilization Outline: Surakarta news - Struggle of Indonesia mod for Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties

Civilization Outline: Surakarta news - Struggle of Indonesia mod for Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties.

An XP civ with slow units, train infantries at different buildings, has military commander.

Surakarta 1


The XP Civ

The history of Surakarta Hadningrat dates back to 1588, when it was known as the Mataram Sultanate. The sultanate peaked at the reign of Sultan Agung. However, it experienced a great corruption and treachery after the death of the great sultan. Its capital city was moved several times, from Kota Gede to Karta, to Pleret, to Kartasura, and ends in Surakarta. In 1670's, it faced the dangerous Trunajaya Rebellion, and later, the rebellion of Prince Mangkubumi and Prince Sambernyawa. The final blow to the sunanate was the Giyanti and Salatiga Treaties, dividing the old rotten kingdom into three smaller states.

In SoI, Surakarta is portrayed as the now stable, developing civ under the rulership of Pakubuwana VI. His father was rich and strong, and so did he. He acted as a double agent, secretly supporting the Dipanegaran rebellion, while still sending a decoy soldiers to help the Dutch. His life ended tragically as he was executed in his exile.

Lurah Surakartan

Five lurahs/commanders, one for each infantry unit the civ has

Surakarta belongs to the Javanese culture. It has several unique units and unique buildings too.

Its unique units are:

  • Prawira Anom, a slow moving musketeer
  • Tamtama, a strong, slow moving swordsman
  • Darapati, another strong, slow moving spearman

Pendapa PanyutranPendapa Panyutran, a barrack for Nyutra and its commander

Surakarta also has a lot of unique buildings. It has five unique barracks for each infantry units, whih also trickles XP, and a unique tower - Panggung. Panggung can be upgraded into a specific strength. Player may choose a strong tower, a formidable tower, or a tower with high LOS.

Surakarta UU

Surakarta's UU: Prawira, Darapati, Tamtama

In the end, player may expect a slowly progressing with a lot of XP. Sad enough, its shipments also arrives slower than other civ, thanks to those Putri Solo.

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Civilization Outline: Surakarta news - Struggle of Indonesia mod for Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties

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