BWW Feature: Art Summit Indonesia 8: 2016-2017

BWW Feature: Art Summit Indonesia 8: 2016-2017.BWW Feature: Art Summit Indonesia 8: 2016-2017

The Ministry of Education and Culture in Indonesia proudly presents the International Contemporary Art Festival: Art Summit Indonesia (ASI), 8th Edition. The Festival will be held continuously for two years, 2016 and 2017. Held once every three years, ASI is a triennale festival of Stage Art featuring many Theatre, Dance and Music Artists from different countries.

The first part will be held this year, a Workshop and Public Lecture on International Stage Performance in 8 cities in Indonesia (Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Solo, Bandung, Padang, Padang Panjang, Bali, and Makassar), by experts and Stage personalities from many countries, talking about many approach and new aesthetic area also current important issues on Stage Performance today. The second part will be held in 2017, also ASI 8 Finale, which will showcase masterpieces from Indonesia and other countries' contemporary art artists.

The 2016 Workshop and Public Lecture will feature many experts and stage art artists, some of them are Peter Eckersall (Asian Theatre Professor, Graduate Center - City University of New York), Toshiki Okada (Writer and Director from Japan), Michio Arimitsu (Dance Critique and Researcher from Japan), Takao Kawaguchi (Choreographer and also Performer from Japan), Jonas Baes (Composer from Philippine), Chong Kee Yong (Composer from Malaysia), Edi Sedyawati (Artist and Archaeologist from Indonesia), Dr. FX. Widaryanto (Artist and Writer from Indonesia), Melati Suryodarmo (Performance Art Artist from Indonesia / Germany), and Ugoran Prasad (Candidate for Theatre Studies Doctorate in Graduate Center - City University of New York).

The Performance will showcase the work from Takao Kawaguchi (Japan), Joned Suryatmoko (Indonesia) and a collaboration between Indonesia's artists with Jonas Baes (Filipina) and Chong Kee Yong (Malaysia). Also featuring some young dancers and choreographers from Sri Lanka, Venuri Perera.

ASI 8 will open in Teater Jakarta, Aug.15.

Photo Credit: Art Summit Indonesia 8

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